The Vibrant Together Development Corporation platforms the incubation of expanded ministry through innovatively repurposing church property for vibrant, sustainable ministries.

Innovative Ministry Development
- Consultation
- Research
- Ministry Incubation
- Church Revitalization
- Property Maximization
Property Repurposing
- Viability Assessments
- Property Assessments
- Property Development
- Real Estate Services
Asset Management
- Property Management
- Funds Management
- Social Impact Funds
- Property Loans
Entrepreneurial Innovation:
We incubate missional work beyond predictable approaches to ministry, maximizing real estate and financial assets for their highest and best use.
Trustworthy Transparency:
We prioritize building trust as essential to the integrity of the life, work, and witness of the church.
Outward-Facing Focus:
We look beyond the survival of our institutions, investing in tangible works of community-based love and compassion.
Stewarding Abundance:
We seek to amplify God’s lavish generosity by investing faithfully in new, bold, creative expressions of ministry.



Join the Leadership Council of the Presbytery of Tropical Florida in praying for the newly formed Vibrant Together Development Corporation. Such a huge endeavor needs to be grounded in prayer and faithfulness in seeking out God’s wisdom and direction. Will you join our prayer team?
Vibrant Together Development Corporation: INCUBATING THE FUTURE CHURCH
Q: Where did Vibrant Together Development Corporation (VTDC) come from?
A: VTDC originated from the grass roots work of the Presbytery where increasingly congregations are realizing that the property they hold has untapped potential for ministry and sustainability. The Presbytery has also realized that Vibrant Congregations are willing to do things differently now, in order to impart the Gospel. Through Ministry Incubation the Development Corporation will partner with congregations for innovative ministry development.
Q: What benefit can this be for my church?
A: There are a number of ways a church can benefit. If the church owns property, the corporation can help it to ask questions about highest and best use of that property for ministry innovation. As the Corporation grows it will develop a cadre of knowledge and resources for property management, social impact investing, loans, and funds management. All congregations need to innovate to fulfil the Great Ends of the Church, and the Development Corporation will be a Ministry Incubation center for congregation innovation.
Q: Why can’t we do this under the current structure?
A: We have been doing such work under the current structure of the Presbytery, but if that work is to grow and multiply an additional entity will increase the capacity beyond the current limits of the Presbytery. It is hoped that this entity will be a springboard and model for ministry innovation in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Q: Are there other examples of this being done?
A: Yes, but we are doing something markedly different. In other places a project is done here or there, but this entity is created to serve the whole of the Presbytery in a wider capacity through innovative ministry development, property repurposing, and asset management.
Q: How is South Florida a particular place where this is advantageous?
A: In many places around our denomination, church property is of significantly less value and the population density is less. Because of our unique physical locale, South Florida is a place of opportunity for congregations to innovate ministry and use property for highest and best use in maximization of ministry capacity.
Q: Who is in charge? How is this answerable to the Presbytery?
A: The same leadership of the Presbytery is the leadership of the Development Corporation. The members of the Presbytery Leadership Council serve as the Board of Directors of the Vibrant Together Development Corporation.
Q: How much will this cost?
A: Initially there will be costs, including the preparation of office space for the Development Corporation and the Presbytery. In 2018, a fund was created with the initial vision for this work. Those funds are being utilized in the start-up work of the corporation. The Leadership Council will set the budget with a strong commitment to seeing that the corporation is self-sustaining by 2026.
Q: What is the timetable?
A: The structure is being put in place now. A hiring team is beginning to look for a Director of the Corporation. In the first quarter of 2024, the Development Corporation will have what is necessary to being its work of resourcing congregations for property repurposing and innovative ministry design.
Q: Are you coming for our small church or to take our property?
A: Quite the opposite. It is hoped that the work of this corporation will help to enhance the work of the Presbytery’s Vibrancy Principles for congregations and spark new ministries that serve the community in which the congregation exists. The point of the development corporation is not to hold or take property. The work of the development corporation is to help congregations seek the highest and best use of the property that has been entrusted to them.
Q: What are you doing with the money?
A: Money is a tool for ministry, and in keeping with the commitment to stewardship, money generated by the VTDC will be poured back into innovating other ministries in existing and future congregations.
Want to chat with us?
You can reach us at 954-785-2220
or use our contact form below.
Current Location
Presbytery of Tropical Florida
405 S.E. 15th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

May 2024 New Location
Presbytery of Tropical Florida
Vibrant Together Development Corporation
3950 Coconut Creek Pkwy
Coconut Creek, FL 33066